Clean Laughs Blog

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Clean Religious Humor: Queen of Sheba

Clean religious humor can be found in the pages of Scripture - here's how one man massacred the mearning of...

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Bible Humor: Good Clean One Line Humor

Bible humor is clean humor with a message. These Christian one-liners are both funny and tongue in cheek accurate in many cases...

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Short People Jokes: Maxi Laughs for Your Mini Friends

Clean short people jokes are a good way to poke fun at those of shrimpy stature in your life - all in good humor, of course!

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Conservative Political Humor

Conservative political humor will give you a laugh amongst your tears over the current state of our government.....

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Funny Newspaper Headlines: Is Proofreading a Dying Art?

Funny newspaper headlines can be humorous, embarrassing or both! You might not believe some of these.....

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Clean Political Jokes

Clean political jokes can take the edge off of the day to day grind...Living under political oppression? Check this out!

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Dry Sense Of Humor: TVs Classic Characters

A dry sense of humor is hilarious in these TV classic sitcoms....from Tim Conway to Jackie Gleason.......

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Limericks For Kids: Loony Lines to Make You Laugh!

Sometimes it's hard to find limericks for kids. Brighten up your day with these laughable lines!

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Dry Humor: Wry Wit Sprinkled With Sarcasm to Make You Laugh

Dry humor can keep you in stitches for hours! Read about the classic comedians and their knack for creating humor...

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Dry Humor Jokes: Tongue in Cheek Humor for Laugh Out Loud Results!

There is no shortage of dry humor jokes if you know where to look. Even some TV classics used this humor form a great deal....

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