Funny Halloween Pictures

Did you come looking for some funny Halloween pictures? I'm so glad you're here!

In fact, I hope you'll submit your own pictures to grace more pages so that folks can enjoy the humor.

Halloween has been given a somewhat dark reputation through the years - some of it probably deserved.

But children dressing up - playing pretend, and cheerily collecting buckets full of candy, jack-o-lanterns lighting up sidewalks and porches, and church fall festivals celebrating the most colorful season of the year - these are the parts of the Halloween season that most of us can enjoy.

Take a peek at some of these Halloween funny pictures and have a laugh on us!

Although not specifically Halloween colors, this is a pretty appropriate picture, don't you think? All he needs is a pumpkin!

funny halloween pictures

I wonder if she realizes how spooky her background looks to us??
Now, THAT's a creepy tree!

halloween pictures,

This is my absolute favorite funny Halloween picture! The lady that snapped this pic gets to thoroughly enjoy this neighborhood decoration
on her way to work every day! There is just no limit
to the creativity we were blessed with!

halloween funny pictures

Your mother taught you to have compassion, didn't she? Then why have you never considered the feelings of the pumpkin
when you bake your pies every fall? This is hilarious!

halloween pictures, funny halloween pictures

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