Funny Christmas Stories:
From the Mouths of Babes...

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Funny Christmas stories lighten the stress many of us feel as we prepare for and anticipate the big celebration day of Jesus' birth.

The following is a verbal exchange between my grandson and his mom around Christmastime. Ben was about 5 years old, and his mother was explaining the meaning of a rather obscure Christmas song to him. Here is their conversation:

Mom: "Ben, do you know what Infant Holy, Infant Lowly means?"

Ben: "No, what?"

Mom: "Well, Holy means perfect, and lowly means that baby Jesus was born poor....he was wrapped in swaddling cloths because he didn't have any clothes. He also didn't have any toys or anything to play with.

Ben: "But the Wise Men brought him gifts!"

Mom: "Yes, but they brought him gold and frankincense and myrhh - not any toys he could play with."

Ben: "But He could mess around with the money!!"

Funny Christmas Story

A kindergarten teacher asked the class to draw a Christmas story as part of their art class at school. A little tow-headed boy sketched a nativity scene - with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus lying in a manger. However, there was also a large, rotund fellow in the scene.

The teacher asked: "Johnny, who is this man in the Nativity picture? Did you think that Santa Claus was part of Jesus' birth?

"Oh, no, that's not Santa Claus", replied Johnny. He's the guy we sing about in Silent Night. That's Round John Birgin."

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