Limericks for Kids
My dad told me many of these limericks for kids when I was a boy, and they still bring smiles to the faces of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!
Although not exclusively kids limericks, these poetic pieces seem to appeal particularly to the younger generation.
Limericks for Children
This first limerick was a writing assignment for my youngest daughter when she was in a high school literature class. We put our heads together and came up with a bit of nursing humor!
There once was a beautiful nurse Who carried an ugly old purse But she tripped on the door And fell on the floor And they both went away in the hearse.
There was a young girl from Flynn Who was so terribly thin When she sipped lemonade Through a straw in the shade She slipped through the straw and fell in!
(When my daughter Chris was a young tyke, and my father would tell her this limerick, she asked the following question after hearing about the poor girl from Flynn: "And did you and Grandma help her out??)
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