Cool Letters: Creative Complaint Nets Quick Correspondence
Cool letters from companies you wrote a complaint letter to? You've gotta be kidding! Actually, no. I am completely and totally serious. If you haven't yet read the Stove Saga, please
click here
and read Part I and then Part II before returning to this page. That will set the stage for you to read this amazingly fast return reply from Waste King Universal!
Funny Business Letters: Rapid (not Rabid) Response
Customer Service Division Waste King Universal August 13, 1971
Dr. Alvin J. Haytha
Dear Dr. Haytha:
We laughed through our tears at the sad plight of the Haytha household. Your letter was the best bit of reading we have had in many a day, but we found ourselves tearful when we thought of that left-over vichyssoise and ice cream for breakfast. Anyone who can write such a delightful letter as yours is deserving of a complimentary set of new knobs for his knobless stove. We are sending a new set of knobs via air mail - no pony express for friends such as you. Thank you so much for writing. and let us know if we can help further. We enjoy a bright spot in our day occasionally.
Charlotte H. Pownell Director - Consumer Relations
* vichyssoise (in case you are curious) is pronounced "vishee-shwaz" and is an old term describing cold potato soup.
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