Animal Humor:
Man Meets Bear

Animal humor: If you own a cat, dog, or other type of animal, you know they can do the funniest things. They seem to have a knack for keeping humans tickled on an almost daily basis!

The Internet (YouTube in particular) is inundated with funny pictures and videos of our domesticated, furry little friends.

When wild animals enter the picture, however, the results are anything but predictable.

How many stories have you heard in which "man meets bear" has a positive outcome for the "man" part of the equation?

Read the following story about a hapless fellow named Algy.

animal humor, brown bear

Animal Humor:
A Short Story With 3 Chapters

Chapter 1: Algy met a bear.

Chapter 2: The bear was bulgy.

Chapter 3: The bulge was Algy.

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