Welcome to the Laugh Ledger Mag-ezine!

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In this issue:
* Thanksgiving Humor

Thanksgiving Humor

I know you are most likely busy with preparation plans for the Thanksgiving meal, or travel plans to reunite with family and friends during this time of the year.

Since most of us tend to overeat a bit (!) during this holiday, I thought you might enjoy some

Thanksgiving Humor

to brighten your day.

And out of respect for the hustle and bustle that prevails during this time of the year, this newsletter will be short and sweet.

But I do invite you to Contact Me with any Thanksgiving or Christmas humor you may have run across - and, who knows? You may even be published!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving, everyone!

P.S. - Be sure to check out the links at the bottom of the

Thanksgiving Humor page for some great info about our traditional Thanksgiving heritage.

And remember to contact me with your jokes, stories, limericks, and funny experiences.

I look forward to hearing from you! I hope you enjoyed this issue! Feel free to pass it on to friends and family so they can sign up for their own free subscription! Simply sign up here for a steady stream of free clean jokes!

Live, laugh and love!

Until next time,

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